Sunday, September 4, 2011

Why I'm taking this course:

Social media is so prominent in my daily to day life that I often overlook the education opportunities that it provides. I hope to advance my knowledge of current events and further my experience in non-fiction. Becoming fluent in non-fiction is a way that I hope to market my English degree in poetry. I want to receive my certificate in Professional and Public Writing, so that I can hopefully work for some sort of agency, publisher, or other employee that requires non-creative writing while I simultaneously pursue my poetic career. Ideally, I'd like to work for a poetry or music magazine. I'm at the point in my life where knowing what is happening in the world, societies, and other communities around me is a priority in my independent education.

I also want to be able to update my social media platform in a more progressive way, rather than a daily vomit of personal thoughts and events. You'd never think that "growing up" would include one's behavior on social media, but this class just proves the point.

My favorite non-fiction writers are David Sedaris, and even though Sylvia Plath is a poet, she has an amazing personal journal kept from her times at Smith College. She has always been someone I have admired because of her strength and spunk as a writer and woman in the academic realm. Her vision and use of language is intense, brutally honest, and innovative. David Sedaris is just so clever and intelligent. I like that I can pick up "Me Talk Pretty One Day", read a story, laugh, and be on my way with a pleasant sense of his experiences and personality. From this class, I would like to become more familiar with well know authors of non-fiction. I'd like to learn their styles and techniques to help guide my growth as a non-fiction writer and translate those practices into poetry.

-Molly Burkett

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